Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Favorite Things #1


I love doing the Sunday New York Times Crossword Puzzle. I started doing them about 15 years ago, and have yet to finish one. I love to get the Sunday paper, fish out the Arts section and fold the puzzle into a perfect square for my solving pleasure. I fill my big blue mug with coffee and go for it. I do them in pen, so sometimes they have cross-outs and other "oopsies". I'm proud of this particular puzzle. (click for larger view)

I don't think I have any cross-outs, and I almost finished it! I started it Sunday morning as usual, did most of it within three hours, and finally gave up Monday night. One or two answers may not be correct, but I'll find out next Sunday. This wasn't a particulary difficult puzzle, so I need to make note of the author, hehe.


  1. I would love to get into crossword puzzles..I am just not that smart..:)

  2. Great job, Dion! I don't think I'd have filled in as many answers as you have!
