Friday, July 31, 2009

Flag Cake

I forgot to post photos of my flag cake! I make this every year for 4th of July. I took it with us when we spent the day with my mom, and we all totally demolished it :D

I turned these ordinary ingredients...


Into this delicious cakey goodness


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Wedding Dance Video

Here's the video that made the Today Show. Even if you don't agree that this should have been done in a church, I think it's still a great idea for weddings in general, and everyone is so happy :O)

Monday, July 20, 2009

4th of July Weekend

Bill and Cassandra wanted to camp, but I didn't. Our compromise was they would spend the night out on my mom and stepdad's property Friday night, and I would stay home by myself. Did you hear that? BY MYSELF!! *happy happy joy joy* I think the last time I spent the night by myself in this house was September 2007. Anyway, the plan was for them to camp overnight, pick me up on Saturday morning, and go back up there to keep my mom company while my stepdad and his crew worked. By "crew", I mean his son and another random worker.

Anyway, they left around 3:30pm Friday and got to the site around 4:30pm. My mom and stepdad were already up there in their big-ass motorhome. Bill didn't want Cassandra to be dependant on grandma and the motorhome, so he chose a spot further down. My stepdad is turning all this property into a subdivision, and one road has been pushed through to where it will intersect with the cross road. Bill decided to set up camp at the end of that road...


Here's the tent smack dab in the middle of Seneca St.


Bill set up an awning in case it rained


The fire pit


Bill used bits of dry wood as well as dryer lint for kindling


Cassandra working the flint





Frying up some bacon for breakfast on Saturday the 4th


The rocks kept tumbling down the bank, and Bill said it sounded like animals tromping through the campsite all night. I was blissfully sleeping in my own bed in my own house, so was not concerned with this in the least.


Cassandra and my mom wondering what they are doing up so early on a Saturday


This is the road they were working on over the weekend.



Coming into the subdivision. You can see the big-ass motorhome directly in front of the green shop building


My stepdad's plan is to build their home on top of the hill. A few trees still had to be cleared. They want to buy a house in town as well, so this smaller house will probably be built next summer, or possibly the summer after that.


My stepbrother, stepdad and Bill unloading my mom's cool new grill. Can't have 4th of July without grilling something :D


It was very hot outside, so my mom's dog, Samantha, tried to get comfortable in the shade...


Maybe this position?


Ahhh, this is IT


My mom grilling our lunch. I highly recommend Costco's Kirkland brand sirloin hamburger patties, along with the Kraft fake cheese slices :D


Heading down to the previous night's campsite where it's nice and cool. It was almost 90 degrees, and we were getting pretty hot.


Kind of like "Where's Waldo", but you have to find Samantha. Can you see her? She's slightly to the lower right of the center of the photo.


The blue thing with hair is Cassandra. The small white horizontal thing on the left is Samantha. Apparantly, they were tired of us, LOL!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Random Info

Cassandra went to the dentist yesterday. Still no cavities. *yay*

Another year, another round of "Prove to the Social Security Administration That I Actually Save Cassandra's SSI Benefits Instead Of Supporting My Crack Habit". I have to fill out a form and everything. This year I can do it online *woohoo!*

I hate exercising, but I seem to be getting better at it. I alternate between my two DVD's, and I find myself doing the movements more completely without having to stop. Not that I'm ready for the triathalon circuit, but I'll take it.

I have discovered the awesomeness that is making homemade tortillas. The ingredients are something I always have on hand, and Cassandra loves mixing up the dough. The only glitch is I don't have a tortilla press, so when I roll them out they look like the state of Florida.

Our summer has been extraordinarily beautiful. It makes up for all the crappy rain we had last year. My lettuce is thriving, and I've been picking leaves off the bigger heads for the past three weeks. The celery is starting to take shape, and I'll probably be able to pick some early stalks this week.

Martha Stewart had DVDs on different things like Organization and Cupcake Decorating. I'm seriously thinking about putting those on my birthday/Christmas wish list. I'm a visual learner, so these sound pretty cool.

My dear *rolling eyes* stepdaughter will not be coming to live with us. She's 24, has a 3 month old baby, lives platonically with baby daddy, and between the two of them only work part time. Her mother has been covering some of her bills for her. After much discussion, Bill and I decided to offer our home to her and the baby so she could live here rent-free and get herself on track. She said thanks but no thanks..."I'll make it work one way or another". This past week, they got an eviction notice and had their power shut off. Whatever. Apparantly, shelter and utilites are mere frivolities when there is a baby involved.